HomeLatest News2San Self-Test Kits Launch on Amazon, Making Diagnostic Tests Affordable and Accessible

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2San Self-Test Kits Launch on Amazon, Making Diagnostic Tests Affordable and Accessible

9th March 2023

  • 2San launches its affordable self-testing products on the UK’s largest online retailer.
  • The launch opens the door to more accessible self-testing for customers.
  • The listing is a major milestone for 2San, with Amazon being a multinational digital company and the UK’s largest online marketplace.

March 20232San, a global supplier of high-quality innovative healthcare products and solutions, today announces the launch of its ‘over the counter’ rapid self-diagnostic kits on Amazon. Seven new products have gone live across the Amazon UK website, furthering 2San's nationwide availability. The listing will put the products directly into the consumers’ hands, democratising healthcare, breaking down barriers and eliminating pressures on healthcare services and allow people to make informed decisions about their own health.

Hot on the heels of a recent partnership for 2San with LloydsPharmacy, which saw the healthcare supplier list eight new product with the leading UK pharmacy, by adding Amazon to its list of retailers, 2San’s self diagnostic products will be more accessible and available to a wider audience, alongside the company vision for Better Care. Better Life.

Seven of 2San’s diagnostics are now live across Amazon UK. The full tests on the website include:

2San’s Global CEO, Mark Hewlett, comments, “At 2San we want to put the power back into the hands of consumers, allowing them to take control over their own healthcare and easing pressures on the NHS. We know people are more willing, able and trusting of testing at home, and by securing two nationwide listings so close together, our affordable tests are more accessible now than before. Whether someone wants to get a better, broader understanding of their health, or if it is the first step to enable them to seek further medical advice. We hope to continue to be part of everyone’s at home testing journey in order to live better, healthier lives in times of increasing pressure on healthcare systems globally.”

2San wants to ensure high quality healthcare is affordable and accessible to all, which is why prices for the tests start at just RRP £9.99.

Key stats:

  • Self-diagnostic tests became commonplace during the peak of the COVID19 pandemic, and today’s consumers are increasingly accepting the idea of taking an initial test at home for self specific health concerns.
  • 87% of consumers that used COVID-19 lateral flow tests trusted the quality and outcome of test results[1], paving the way for 82.5% of the group surveyed welcoming the idea of being able to effectively manage aspects of their own health & wellness from home using self-tests before needing to approach the doctor[2].
  • 91% of consumers were happy with the process of self-diagnostic testing,[3] and when asked what is most appealing about using self-diagnostics, the top three priorities were speed of results (29%), ability to take control of your own health (24%) and reducing the strain on NHS services (21%)[4].

[1] IPSOS for 2San, October 2022, based on responses from 1000 consumers
[2] IPSOS for 2San, October 2022, based on responses from 1000 consumers
[3] IPSOS for 2San, October 2022, based on responses from 1000 consumers
[4] IPSOS for 2San, October 2022, based on responses from 1000 consumers

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